Shy danceUK | JULY 20-23, 2023

Unusual Ways- shy dance mini retreat In As Little As 1 Hr . To Unlock your inner innovation power, Strengthen your Confidence, develop Resilience Needed To Overcome Challenges to attract abundance and Prosperity in Life even if you think I Am Not Good Enough And Culture Differences Without  Feeling No Support

In just one hour, you will experience the transformative power of dance in a fun and safe environment. Through my unique approach to shy dance, you will learn to let go of self-doubt and embrace your authentic self. As you explore different dance moves and connect with your body, you will develop a sense of inner strength and resilience that will help you overcome any challenge that comes your way.

It cover a wide range of topics related to personal growth, remove limited belief, emotional intelligence, physical well-being and attract abundance and prosperity in life. Here are some examples:

  • Self-awareness: shy dance (Mindset training through creative movement )can help individuals become more aware of their own thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Through shy dance mini retreat exercises, individuals can learn to identify their feelings and understand how they affect their behavior.
  •  Let go of limited belief and negative though that is holding you back. This could be belief about yourself, your abilities, or your situation. 
  • Next level of Courage building to unlock your full potential: Shy dance mini retreat can help individuals build courage and overcome fear. It could help individuals develop self-assurance, assertiveness, and courage.
  • Creative expression: shy dance can help individuals tap into their creativity and express themselves in new ways. Through shy dance approach, individuals can learn to express their emotions, thoughts, and feelings in a non-verbal manner.
  • Stress reduction: Shy dance mini retreat can help individuals reduce stress and anxiety. It can be a great way to release tension, relax the mind, and improve overall well-being.
  • ​Mind-body connection: Mindset training through dance can help individuals develop a better mind-body connection. Through dance, individuals can learn to synchronize their movements with their thoughts and emotions, leading to more balance and harmony in their lives.
  • ​Shy dance approach can enhance clarity and focus in your mind, which can help manifest your desires more efficiently to create pathway to abundance and prosperity. 
  • Challenges your own biases through shy dance approach, whether is conscious or unconscious. 
  • ​Connect with others multilingual women bosses, leaders and managers. 

Shy Dance Mini retreat: Unlock innovation, build Confidence, Overcome challenges and attract abundance in 1 hour. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

 How do I know if this works for me?

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 Can I attend virtually?

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 Can I add a team member as well?

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 When does this start?

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 What timezone are the calls?

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 Do you accept refund requests?

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